Tuesday 15 February 2011

Commentary Voiceover

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Monday 29 November 2010

Poster Analysis

Both these films address the same issue as our short film, therefore, we thought that it would be good to analyse both and them and compare and contrast the appeal to their individual target audiences.
I think that the red used both, “Shahada” and “At a Close Range”, show the struggle for identity and entrapment, which is what we want to portray as well.  Ass well as this, it could show danger between the characters relationships, or even a danger in trying to keep their identity strong. I think this would be a good colour to incorporate in my poster, as it is striking and will get across quite a lot of key themes running through the film.
The Shahada title is both in English and Arabic, however, the Arabic is significantly smaller, this perhaps signifies, that his English culture and possibly heritage is dominant in his life, although he is trying to break the mould.  I think this is a very unique idea that would work very well with our concept. As well as this, the title is in white, bringing a stark difference to poster and other themes, such as innocent and youth.
In contrast to this, “At Close Range” is in red and the characters are almost swallowed up by the darkness. Maybe connoting a deep, dark secret, is taking over their lives and both characters are struggling to keep on top of things.
To conclude, there are many keys things that I want to take from both posters that will create my final piece. I like that the keys characters are shown in both posters and that the dominant colours alone tell a story. I will use these posters as inspiration my my final. 

Monday 15 November 2010


What went well?
  • We did a good job at articulating our finals ideas to the class. 
  • We had a great visual aid and were able to strike the balance between who spoke without cutting over each other.
  • The presentation told a story, from our trials to what we hope will be our final outcome
  • we were able to answer all the questions as our idea and planning was very strong
What went wrong?
  • I think it would of been good if we had a script which would prompt us to say the rights things and therefore would of eliminated any stuttering I had throughout the presentation.
  •  As well as this licensing permission hadn't been finalized the same day we had the presentation, therefore we were unable to show the exact whereabouts of the pub. 
  • We had troubles showing our animatic as we had set or setting to private.
If I were to do it again?
  • If i was to do it again i would of made our pitch on Prezi. I think that by doing this it would of made the visual aid more exciting to watch for our audience.

I'm very happy with our outcome. The good things outweigh the bad and we received constructive criticism which will help us in the production process.