Tuesday 12 October 2010

Codes and Conventions of a Drama...

Drama is probably the most difficult genre to assign specific codes and conventions for.Nothing plays on the audience more than an old-fashioned character driven drama. A drama is a film that moves a story forward by focusing on the development of realistic characters dealing with emotions. Development of a character's personality is key through the use of dialogue and showing their emotions.
The themes are usually based on realism and surround real life issues such as death, love or conflict. the three main types of drama are:

  1. Historical-attempt to tell a story as accurate as possible or highly dramatize a story
  2. Crime- usually based in reality primarily focus on the theme of suspense
  3. Biopic- biographical film, different from historical film, attempt to comprehensively tell a persons life story.

 As Film Noir was the starting point of drama, their lighting techniques pop out to intensify certain moments in the film. Additionally extreme-close ups are used to help expose the audition to the same emotions that the character is feeling at that time.

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