Wednesday 10 November 2010

Secondary Research

To gain a better understanding into drama conventions surrounding the theme of father-son relationships, I took a trip down to the BFI's Mediatheque. Much like a film library, I had the choice of over two thousand films, or television programmes to choose from and watch within the British archive files, to get inspiration.


The film I found most inspirational was Still Lives, Distant Voices.
Although a feature film I was able to draw the essential storyline from it and hopefully uses some of Terence Davis' techniques for our father and son relationship. The film evokes working-class family life and plays particular attention to popular culture. I think that showing the bond between our on screen family shown also be shown through popular culture.
Davis also didn't have a huge budget for his film, so had to find locations that looked working class. I think that his achievements will be easy to follow.

I also looked up some of the first British short films made. I watched the 1903 original version of Alice in Wonderland.
 Although a contrast to our family relationship theme, it was good to watch an early short film that made the audience see, 'through the eyes of youth'. We want there to be a slight sense of dramatic irony within our short, so that the audience know that there is something wrong with the boy.

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