Wednesday 10 November 2010

Writing the Script

I was in charge of writing the script and from our primary and secondary research I began to brainstorm ideas of how each character should talk. It was a challenge to strike a balance between the audience understanding Stan's prejudice, whilst at the same time not use anything that would be considered offensive. So i tried to layer everything Stan says, so that when he says it, it would generally just go over you but when taken out of context, it gives a shocking effect.
Here is an extract:

                       "SHORT FILM"


          Vivienne Samuels and Channan Toussaint 


Iconography of south London scenery, hustle and bustle of London life. As the camera pans two men come into focus. They clearly share a family bond, playfully fighting. STAN, 50 and looks it, dominant of two. He is loud, boisterous, a born entertainer. A couple paces behind him is MITCH, 17, much smaller in frame. He is trying to keep up with both STAN's gait and personality. He looks up to him. Both men speak with a strong cockney accent. This is a rough working-class area and they are its product.

That was fucking amazing son, the best one yet! Cor blimey I forgot how great it was to watch the footy live, a little bit loud though

HA! Yeah dad it was bloody great you’re getting old dad
It’s a good thing I've got you to keep me young ey son?!

They laugh

Come on let’s go down the pub and get a few

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